Wednesday 31 December 2008

books 2008

A Rebel's Guide to Marx - Mike Gonzalez
The Essential Locke - Paul Strathern
The Man Who Loved Only Numbers (The Story of Paul Erdös and the Search for Mathematical Truth) - Paul Hoffman
The Essential Hegel - Paul Strathern
King Lear - Shakespeare
We Can Remember It For You Wholesale (short story) - Philip K Dick
Invitation to Number Theory - Oystein Ore
Unknown Quantity (A Real and Imaginary History of Algebra) - John Derbyshire
Anarchism - A Very Short Introduction - Colin Ward
A Mathematician's Apology - G H Hardy
The Little Blue Book (definitions, formulas and techniques from 1st year mathematics) - SC Britton, CE Coleman, J Henderson
The Stuff of Thought (Language as a window into human nature) - Steven Pinker
